True Unity


True Unity and Harmony

Just as unity was critical in the work of the New Testament church, unity in the final work of these last days is even more crucial. In the closing work the spirit of true unity and harmony, as was manifested during the time of the New Testament church, is needed now more than ever before. Only in a spirit of unity and harmony will we press against the darkness of the world and plant valiantly the standard of truth. Only in that spirit will we press against the difficulties Satan has tried to erect in the way of the truth. It is only through that spirit that the everlasting gospel in its fullness will be preached to every living person on the planet. “If Christians were to act in concert, moving forward as one, under the direction of one Power, for the accomplishment of one purpose, they would move the world.”—Testimonies for the Church 9:221.

Though diverse in gifts and abilities,diverse in mind, in ideas, one subject is to bind heart to heart—the conversion of souls to the truth, which draws all to the cross.” 3MR 13.2 We are “…many members, yet but one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:20 The fruit of true unity forms a “complete, symmetrical whole” in which its partakers are working in harmony under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

God will unite his church. He will join his people together heart to heart, shoulder to shoulder to proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world. Through the workings of the Holy Spirit there will be “…a well-balanced, symmetrical development of the work in all its parts.” 6T 326.3 As in the days of Pentecost, in the final work we will “…stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. Philippians 1:27

All forms of backbiting, envying, strife, and division among the Seventh-day Adventist movement must end. AAGE members should cherish this vital principle of true unity as we move forward to give the everlasting gospel to the world and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The unity of the church is the convincing evidence that God has sent Jesus into the world as its Redeemer. This is an argument which worldlings can neither withstand nor controvert. Therefore Satan is constantly working to prevent this union and harmony, that unbelievers, by witnessing backbiting, dissension, and strife among professed Christians, may become disgusted with religion, and be confirmed in their impenitence. God is dishonored by those who profess the truth while they are at variance and enmity with one another. Satan is the great accuser of the brethren, and all who engage in this work are enlisted in his service.” – {Ellen White, 15 Manuscript Releases 143.3}